Process server job description

Process Server Job Description

A process server is a legal professional who serves legal documents to individuals who are involved in a legal matter. The job description of a process server varies depending on their specific role and the requirements of their clients. In this blog post, we will outline everything you need to know about a process server job description.


  • The main responsibility of a process server is to serve legal documents, such as subpoenas, summonses, and complaints, to individuals who are involved in a legal matter. They must ensure that the documents are served in accordance with legal requirements, which may vary depending on the jurisdiction and type of case. A process server serves someone by delivering legal documents, such as a summons or a subpoena, to an individual who is required to appear in court or provide information related to a legal case. The process server must ensure that the legal documents are delivered in accordance with the law, which may require specific procedures such as handing the documents directly to the recipient or leaving them with a family member or co-worker. Once the documents are served, the process server typically provides a signed affidavit or proof of service to the client or attorney who requested the service.

  • In addition to serving legal documents, process servers may also be responsible for performing skip tracing, which involves locating individuals who cannot be found through traditional means. They may also be required to conduct surveillance or stakeouts in order to locate individuals who are attempting to avoid being served.

  • Electronic filing, or e-filing, is a method of submitting legal documents to the court electronically, rather than in person or by mail. Some process servers offer e-filing services as part of their range of services. This involves scanning the legal documents and submitting them to the court through an electronic filing system. E-filing can save time and reduce costs associated with traditional paper-based filing, but it requires specific knowledge and expertise to ensure that the documents are submitted correctly and in compliance with court rules and procedures. As such, not all process servers offer e-filing services, and those who do may charge an additional fee for the service.

  • Sometimes, a process server may need to retrieve legal documents from the courthouse in person, either for filing or for serving to an individual involved in a legal matter. This involves visiting the courthouse during business hours and requesting the specific documents needed from the appropriate department or clerk. The process server must be familiar with the procedures and requirements of the courthouse, such as obtaining a court seal or signature to prove the authenticity of the documents. Once the documents are retrieved, the process server must handle them carefully and deliver them to the appropriate party in a timely manner. This requires strong organizational skills and attention to detail, as any errors or delays could have significant consequences for the legal matter at hand.


To be successful as a process server, individuals must have excellent communication skills, as they will be required to interact with a variety of people, including lawyers, court officials, and individuals who are being served legal documents. They must also be organized and detail-oriented, as serving legal documents requires a high level of attention to detail and accuracy.

Furthermore, process servers must have a strong knowledge of legal procedures and regulations in order to ensure that documents are served in accordance with the law. They must also be able to work independently and under pressure, as they may need to serve documents in difficult or dangerous situations.

Salary and Job Outlook

The salary of a process server can vary depending on a number of factors, including their experience level, location, and the volume of work they are able to obtain. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for process servers in the United States was $35,540 in May 2020.

The job outlook for process servers is generally positive, as there is a steady demand for their services in the legal industry. However, the job market can be competitive, particularly in urban areas with a high concentration of legal professionals.


The job description of a process server is varied and challenging, requiring individuals to have a combination of legal knowledge, communication skills, and attention to detail. While there are no formal education requirements for becoming a process server, individuals must be licensed or registered in many states in order to serve legal documents. With a positive job outlook and opportunities for growth and advancement, a career as a process server can be both rewarding and fulfilling.

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